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365 Days of Blessings CroppedHere’s an update on my 365 Days of Blessings over the weekend (I wasn’t slacking!):

Day 3:

This is the badge I'm trying to earn.

This is the badge I’m trying to earn.

  1. Finally started my coursework on Building Your Textile Design Business and I have a renewed passion and direction for what I intend to do. I intend to focus on designing prints for children’s sleepwear and bedroom soft goods because I have experience in the children’s industry, both in sleepwear and accessories, and also I always enjoy trend research in this field. I remember if I was having a bad day, I would just do some trend research and pictures of adorable kids would always cheer me up.
  2. I am safe and sound in the comfort and warmth of my apartment in the first snow storm of the year, AND I was also able to make a hearty and healthy meal out of what I have in my pantry without having to step outside: Spanish Tortilla with Quinoa Sauteed with Swiss Chard.
  3. I helped out a family member plan a trip she really needs and deserves so much!

Day 4:Regifting

  1. The Post-Holiday Regifting Party I had was a success, and it just may be a better idea than a Christmas party.  It was the simplest holiday party I’ve done, owing to just having it at a restaurant, and more time was spent catching up with friends. Fun times!
  2. The bar/restaurant where we held it at opened extra early to accommodate our party, treated us very well, and reminded me how important nurturing relationships are.
  3. I was happy to visit a friend’s schmancy new penthouse apartment with a terrace (He’s definitely made it!) and celebrated the new engagement of a friend, with an upcoming wedding in Budapest. I can’t wait to plan our trip!

Day 5:Snowy Night

  1. I waded across the slushy streets of New York and was lucky to stay dry and upright the whole time.
  2. Nothing beats the warmth of a cozy diner for a delicious brunch on a still snowed-in morning when you just don’t want to stay indoors anymore.
  3. As I catch up on my Building your Textile Design Business course, my career direction is becoming clearer and clearer and I am so excited and feel very passionate about it.

Day 6: 

Chocolate Beet Avocado Cupcake

Chocolate Beet Avocado Cupcake

  1. I am getting better at writing faster and editing images. Thanks blog!
  2. I attempted to bake a cake for the first time with a recipe from Poppy’s Patisserie/Bunny Kitchen for Possibly World’s Healthiest Chocolate Cake. I chose to do cupcakes and a loaf instead, but I think that kind of backfired. Cupcakes were too dry, but the loaf was perfectly moist. Next time I’ll use a proper cake pan and better cocoa powder because I used hot chocolate that I had onhand. It was still yummy!
  3. I finally finished the book Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg for my book club. I was reading it simultaneously with Game of Thrones’ A Dance with Dragons so that slowed me down a bit. I found “Lean In” to be very insightful and made me ask important questions of myself. I do wish that I read it when I was 25 and I may have done some things differently. It is a great read, esp. for women who are struggling with “having it all”, and also for men who are being supportive of their significant other but are struggling with their peers’ view of it. It opens up a lot of interesting conversations for sure.